Q.H.F.T. is a set of modular programs for home accounting ; you can manage contacts, accounts , securities portfolio and much more.It ‘s a multilingual product , multi-user and multi-room : you can handle multiple environments simultaneously . The current account management module is able to simultaneously handle more than 32,000 accounts in any currency .
The program features a highly versatile filter system : you can filter your current accounts to credit holder or entity , select only the accounts opened or closed ones ; within each individual account can be made on the amounts filters , the causal , the descriptions as well as to limit the date range to be examined , the balance displayed will always be congruent with the filter applied . And ‘ possible to manage multiple accounts in separate windows or open piuù views on the same account by applying different filters on each .
- 25/10/2015 – First release
Q.H.F.T. Is preinstalled in Black Phoenix Distribution